Project 3: The Beast!

Another project has come to an end. The bike we all know by now as ‘The Beast’ is finished. It all started out with a former policebike K1200RS.

I really wanted to do ‘something different’ this time. The first and second projects were a great succes but this third one asked for a different endresult. Soon enough I had a vision of what I wanted to build, and gave it the name ‘The Beast’ because that showed perfectly what it had to become.

Again, it all started out with completely stripping down the whole bike. I wanted The Beast to have a complete new BMW R850R 18″ front wheel, so that meant I had to adjust the front fork. I also had to adjust the back wheel (from a R1150GS) to make the brake calliper fit. With those remarkeble changes the base of The Beast was done.

The next big thing was the tank. After a long search and trying multiple options, eventually it had to be the two-piece Harley Davidson tank. A big, bold tank, that quickly gave the bike a striking shape. Together with the handmate, wooden laminated dash (but with original BMW features like the speedometer and tachometer) it is really something else. On top of that, I completely handmade the seat and fenders. So, a lot of changes, a real custom build from start to finish.

It resulted in something that can definitely carry the name ‘The Beast’. A tough bike, difficult to place in one specific category. That feeling was shared with BigTwin magazine, who were excited about doing a story on this bike (and me). A big highlight of this project, and some amazing pictures!



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